WHY Books Matter to Me

Bonding through Books
For days after he was born, I wasn’t allowed to hold my baby because he was too medically fragile.
One way I felt like I could attempt to bond with him was reading baby books.
I have fond memories of sitting in the laps of my own parents and loved ones as a child, listening to books or reading together. And I will forever remember singing “Itsy Bitsy Spider” over my ventilated newborn, with my finger in the little spider puppet of a board book, grasping for ways to bond and create normalcy in the NICU.
I am PASSIONATE about helping other mothers (and fathers) because being a parent is HARD. Even with the resources I had. Even with the support of my family, friends, and faith.
I am PASSIONATE about babies and books. Because “research” says books are important for language development, literacy, sensory stimulation. But beyond all that–for me, books promote bonding, a shared and memorable experience with those we love.
***This is part of my story of my oldest (9 years old) who is now healthy, energetic, and literally “climbing the walls” some days!
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